As a family-owned company, the KW automotive group stands for optimizing the performance of race cars and road vehicles for more than 30 years.
We have the vision to be the number one supporter of our partners and customers, brands, and employees. We are the first point of contact and problem solver. Understanding the individual challenges of our industry is a motivation to go further and reach higher.
The Owners
The passion of Klaus and Jürgen Wohlfarth has always been motorsport. Their ambition to gain a competitive advantage through technical innovations and improvements has always driven the two brothers.
The Owners
The passion of Klaus and Jürgen Wohlfarth has always been motorsport. Their ambition to gain a competitive advantage through technical innovations and improvements has always driven the two brothers.
The corporate group has several locations worldwide: In Germany and key markets such as China, Great Britain, Japan, Switzerland, Spain, Taiwan and the USA.
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