Timo Sanwald

From Apprentice to Master

„Since my first day at KW, I have appreciated the friendly atmosphere in the company. My area of responsibility in production varies daily and is very versatile. Changing requirements always provide me with new challenges and the opportunity to work independently.“

“During my internship, I was able to accompany and actively support exciting topics in the field of damper technologies. During my bachelor’s thesis, we laid the foundation for today’s DDC suspensions. I was involved in exciting OE customer projects in the field of driving dynamics and product characteristics. I soon had the opportunity to take over the management of my own team. This gave me the opportunity to pass on knowledge and insights to young talents and to help shape product development and company development.”



From a young age, Timo’s passion for cars ignited his career path. At just 16 years old, in August 2006, he embarked on an apprenticeship journey as an industrial mechanic with KW automotive. This pivotal moment marked a significant milestone for both Timo and the company, as he became the first apprentice in its history to specialize in industrial mechanics. Since then, Timo’s pioneering spirit has paved the way for an average of three young apprentices each year.






Master Craftsman Education

Following the successful completion of his training, there were no barriers to Timo’s employment. He seamlessly transitioned into working life and undertook a range of responsibilities in production and chassis assembly over subsequent years. In 2014, Timo made the decision to further his education by pursuing a master craftsman specialization in metal at the renowned master school. KW automotive enthusiastically supported his endeavor, affording Timo the opportunity to devote himself full-time to his studies over a period of 9 months. Moreover, the company pledged to seamlessly reintegrate Timo into his production role upon the culmination of his studies.



Following his graduation from master craftsman school, Timo embarked on his journey with KW automotive. In 2016, he was swiftly promoted to the role of Head of Production. Today, Timo oversees not only production but also manages the sheet metal and welding departments, leading a team of approximately 40 employees. While his responsibilities have expanded to include organizational aspects such as personnel management, capacity optimization, and maintenance planning, Timo remains deeply rooted in the practical aspects of his work and maintains a close connection with his team. Timo has cherished the cohesive work environment and familial team spirit fostered at KW automotive. He values the company’s open, honest, and personable corporate culture. With this supportive environment as a foundation, Timo is confident that the company’s success stories will continue to unfold in the years ahead.



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Hydraulic system development
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Tim Heinemann
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KW automotive GmbH
Aspachweg 14
D-74427 Fichtenberg

Telefon:+49 (0) 7971 9630-0

Telefax:+49 (0) 7971 9630-191

E-Mail: info@kwautomotive.de


Vertretungsberechtigte Geschäftsführer:

Klaus Wohlfarth, Jürgen Wohlfarth



Amtsgericht Stuttgart



HRB 571255


gemäß § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 812 382 653


Verbraucherinformation gemäß Verordnung (EU) Nr. 524/2013:
Nachfolgend finden Sie den Link zur OS-Plattform der EU-Kommission: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.

Unsere E-Mailadresse lautet: info@kwautomotive.de.

Wir nehmen nicht an einem Streitbeilegungsverfahren vor einer Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle teil. https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.